Sunday, April 19, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13, 4/15

Monday 4/13

  • 5 Year Plan write up sent to Asher
  • Watch Book Making Tutorials below

  • Accordion Book
  • Pamphlet Book
Wednesday 4/15

  • Meet with Asher as a class on Zoom at 9:45am
  • 3 Page write ups based on individual days for your future
  • Create an Accordion Book with your collage from 4/13.
  • Make a collage that will be turned into an accordion book. These collage should be long and thin. Cut a sheet of 8 x 11 paper long ways in needed and glue together. You can paste, and draw on the paper in whatever way you want. Don't make it too thick or it will be too hard to fold. When we meet on 4/15 I will do a quick accordion book demo.
  • Next Wednesday is a work week. I will send out time slots to meet for 10 minutes and discuss the project and your plans due 4/27. The times will be on Monday 4/20 between 9:00 and 10:20 unless state that you need another time. Please have thoughts and drawings sent to me so we have something concrete to discuss.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

4/6, 4/8

Monday 4/6
  • Look over Final Prompt, send questions to Asher.
  • Create a Color Wheel with primary, secondary, tertiary colors and email a photo to Asher. It may be done in Illustrator or painted. Due 4/8
  • Download the app Adobe Capture on your phone. You will need to sign in to the app with your temple account. Using the colors option collect five potential color palettes to use next class.
  • How to use App:

Wednesday 4/8
  • Write out 5 year plan (look over final prompt) and email to Asher by 4/13.
  • Create a pattern with shapes based on/ inspired by the Paula sher video. Using one of the captured color palettes fill in the pattern with the captured colors. Send image to Asher by 4/13.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 3 4/29, 3/1


Watch these color theory videos 

Color Harmonies exercise
Pick a color harmony from the Youtube video “Understanding Color” and draw an 8 x 8 grid pattern filling in each square using these color relationships. The grid should be 8 x8 You may paint and draw the grid or do it in either photoshop or illustrator. Submit a photo of your grid by Wednesday 4/1


Watch Art & Copy and give a half page written response submitted on Canvas:

Monday, March 23, 2020

3/23, 3/25 Week 2

3/23, 3/25

Due 3/23
Depth Painting completed
Screen Shots of in progress poster work

Due 3/25
Text Poster Due you should send images to me and your assigned peer critique partner.
I will send an explanation of what I want from a peer critique and what that means by Wednesday.

Homework Due 3/30
Peer Crits

Watch a few more Font Videos for review:

Monday, March 16, 2020

Week one of online classes

3/16, 3/18 Week 10 
Due 3/18
Start a blog on blogger so that work and write ups can be easily accessed by students. Blogger is very eas to set up if you simply follow a few steps. When your blog is created send me the url and I will attach it to the class blog.
Send well thought through sketches of type heavy posters which should have been completed for last Wednesday. Please review the prompt on the blog for details.Send a list of the fonts you will use on the poster and remember there is a hand drawn text portion.
Watch videos and articles below and respond with a small write up of your thoughts on our blog page

Watch: Flux Font Choice

David Carson Ted Talk 

Read: Classic Fonts

Outline for Transition to Online Classes Spring 2020

Outline for Remainder of the Semester IVL 2020

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Homework #6

Bring developed, clear, well thought through sketches for discussion for your text poster. At least 3.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Homework #5

Finish the Illustrator face trace we began in class last week. Have the song ready for your poster.