Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Hmwrk #10

Make a well made 12 x 8.25 mockup of your potential layout considering concepts from the 
in class layout talk. These are not sketches and should be as finished as possible. Use 
markers, pens, or paint. No pencil or colored pencil.

Use grids to line up elements in your designs, it is important that you build visual relationships 
in your page designs. Consider color palette, hierarchy, emphasis, scale as well as all other 
elements and principles of design.

Also bring color palettes for this project to class printed or painted it should be applied to your 
mockup. Please think about color harmonies and contrasts. You may use an online color 
generator website to develop these.

Next class is a work day. Bring everything you need to work in class. Your files need to be at 
the printer by next Thursday at the latest. This means you DO NOT have next weekend to 
work on your project. You need to take photos and use this weekend to do the image 
collecting and building necessary to get to work on Monday.

The projects will be due on April 9th but need to be done by April 5th so that you an get 
them to the printer.

The Milk&Honey ampersand homework will be collected on Monday for a grade. You must 
have twenty sketches & one that is well drawn and highly considered at a larger scale (10x10).
 Make sure you are reviewing the blog before executing the homework.

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