Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Homework #3

Design Homework #3

Find and copy the panel layout from one full page of comic book in ink (pen and marker) onto a sheet of bristol. Well known comic artists such as Jim Steranko and Jack Kirby would be a great place to start looking, there are also additional examples on the blog. Pay attention to the shapes, lines, and contrast elements used in the layout to move the eye from one panel to the next. Think about the spacing between the panel as well as the panel itself. Look at the border used and specifics in the panels. How do these panels create energy and flow? What mood is created? What type of story is told? How does the layout inform the content?

For the panels create two “characters”. One is an organic shape, the other a geometric shape. Tell me an a simple story about the interaction between the two shapes. Have them move through a space and engage in a simple interaction. Are they mad at each other? In love? Is one angry and one in love? How does this affect what they look like? How can different shapes express themselves visually?  

Look at the comic panel you are starting with. Look at close ups and how contrast is used to balance the entire page. Think about consistency as well. It may be easier to read the geometric shape from panel to panel, but make sure the inorganic one is recognizable as well. Do some doodles before hand. In one of the panels you should create the negative of the  black and white (if the shapes are black and background white, in one the shapes should be white and the background black.

Also read the shape reading pdf attached to the assignment in canvas.

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